'to have a satisfactory agreement we would need some considerably higher commitment on the financial side by developed countries by the end of the meeting,' Ambassador Serra said.
Just before the end of the Cub Scout program I took them all to a Boy Scout meeting to see how it was and help them make the final yes or no decision to continue on in the Scouting program.
Mr Obama had declined the offer to hold the summit earlier this year in Spain; now he agreed to a meeting tacked on at the end of the main event.
Chances are, you will see your ex again, so make sure you don't end things on such bad terms that the next meeting will be unbearable.
At the end of each meeting, have team members rate its effectiveness and ask for their input on ideas for improvement.
A process framework focusing on delivery of high quality software meeting the needs of the end users within predictable budget and schedules
Everybody on the team takes on some of the product Owner role meeting with stakeholders, end-users etc, but Adrian will maintain the product backlog and make final decisions etc.
The first policy summit of 2008 is very likely to end with a decision to keep rates on hold, just as the January 2001 meeting did.
End Meetings on Time No Matter What - You have probably been in the meeting that just won't end.
Such purchases will end on the business day immediately preceding the record date for the Stockholders meeting.
Make sure you end the meeting on time... no matter what.
The meeting lasts for a week on end.
Owing to a long delay on the journey, he did not arrive until the meeting was at the end.
On site audit before held its first meeting, after the audit should be held at the end of the meeting.
We will resolve any open issues at the meeting so that by the end of the day the milestone (and its summary slide which is also part of your presentation) is DONE and posted on the team website.
Clinton spoke at the end of a NATO foreign ministers meeting in Berlin focusing on Libya and regional unrest.
With Manfred Bodner, on the hand, I felt he was naturally likeable and at the end of our meeting in Vienna I knew I would sign the contract.
The pair met for a long meeting at the club's Via Turati headquarters but at the end, the decision was taken to move on.
End Meetings on Time No Matter What - You have probably been in the meeting that just won't end.
准时开会- - -即使有人迟到了也要准时开会。
There is a G-8 meeting at the end of next week, but at the moment currencies do not appear to be high on the agenda.
The firm enjoys its own brand authority, and the most influential is badge reels which special design for meeting the high-end products such as card holder, key ring, telephone and so on.
The 4th Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies Conference will be held on April 23-24, 2011 in Hangzhou. Details of the meeting will be announced before the end of Nov. , 2010.
The 4th Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies Conference will be held on April 23-24, 2011 in Hangzhou. Details of the meeting will be announced before the end of Nov. , 2010.