Retrieves the MD5 message-digest algorithm.
The system uses message-digest algorithm 5 (MD5) for the passwords of operators in order to assure the security.
The type attribute indicates the hash algorithm, such as Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5) or Secure Hashing algorithm (SHA-1).
类型属性指出了hash算法,例如消息摘要算法5 (MD5)或安全哈希算法(SHA - 1)。
Based on RSA algorithm of unsymmetrical cryptographic system and MD5 message-digest algorithm, the paper presents a digital signature scheme based on IC card.
在基于非对称加密系统中的RSA算法和MD 5报文摘要算法上,提出了一种基于IC卡的数字签名方案。
For example, there are several different standards of MD (Message Digest) algorithm.
Algorithm Type defines whether the cryptography algorithm is symmetric, asymmetric, or a message digest.
Anyone receiving the message can use the same hash algorithm on that message, then decrypt the supplied encrypted digest using your public key and compare the two values.
I just want to support one encryption algorithm (DES in CBC mode) whose INTEGER identifier is 1, 2, or 3, depending upon the message digest algorithm of the client's choice.
For a message digest, the strength of the algorithm is determined by the size of the hash or check sum that the algorithm generates.
I'll explain the use of message digest algorithms in the next article of this series, but for now just note that I'm going to use the MD5 message digest algorithm in the Kerberos client.
我将在本系列的下一篇文章中解释消息摘要算法的使用,但是现在只要知道我要在Kerberos客户机中使用MD 5消息摘要算法。
Each check attribute constitutes an MD5 hash (a message digest algorithm commonly used in generating cryptographic hashes) of the following concatenated string.
每个check属性组成了以下连接字符串的MD 5散列(一种通常用于生成加密散列的消息摘要算法)。
MD5 message digest algorithm is a use - widely algorithm for abstracting digital fingerprint.
MD 5报文摘要算法是一种应用广泛的提取数字指纹的算法。
MD5 message digest algorithm is a use - widely algorithm for abstracting digital fingerprint.
MD 5报文摘要算法是一种应用广泛的提取数字指纹的算法。