It recently surpassed Microsoft Corp. in market value.
Microsoft Corp. and Travelers Cos. were also dragging down the dow.
The users have run into one of Microsoft Corp. 's latest anti-piracy efforts.
The users have run into one of Microsoft Corp.’s latest anti- piracy efforts.
Microsoft Corp. said it will slash up to 5, 000 jobs over the next 18 months.
Yahoo Inc. is making a last-ditch effort to thwart the hostile takeover by Microsoft Corp.
The case is set to go to trial in October. Microsoft Corp. is also challenging the trademark.
Google rivals, including Microsoft Corp., and privacy advocates had lobbied against the deal.
微软(Microsoft Corp .)等谷歌的竞争对手及主张保护隐私权的人士纷纷反对该项交易。
During the 1980s, Microsoft Corp. 's Windows users were able to use third-party programs to get it.
Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc. have disclosed that they engage in some form of behavioral targeting.
In corporate news, Microsoft Corp. is set to unveil its first batch of Windows phone 7 smart phones.
Hon Hai Precision Industry generates more revenue each year than Microsoft Corp., Apple or Dell Inc.
We used to think International Business Machines Corp. was sort of sinister. Then it was Microsoft Corp.
第五位 苹果公司的低谷期开始我们通常认为国际性的商业机器公司属于某种邪恶的力量,比如说微软,但是如今的商业市场之中又有哪些公司能够超越那些由怪才控制和以在利润为原则的科技公司?
Mr. Lee left Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) to join [gm99nd] in 2005 to develop the company's operations in China.
Sony Corp. 's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Corp.' s Xbox 360 already offer high-definition and motion controls.
Microsoft Corp. : U. s. computer firm, the leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications.
It took Microsoft Corp and Yahoo Inc several years to find common ground on the best way to team up in the Internet search market.
Separately, Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc. have withdrawn quietly from a coalition formed two years ago to protect network neutrality.
If you don't believe it, listen to Microsoft Corp. — which has said that it will move jobs offshore if the corporate-tax increase goes through.
Has downplayed the degree to which the software, known as Chrome OS, competes with traditional operating systems made by Apple and Microsoft Corp.
Microsoft Corp. employees are passionate users of the latest tech toys. But there is one gadget love that many at the company dare not name: the iPhone.
微软公司(Microsoft Corp .)的员工都是科技新玩意儿的狂热使用者,不过有一件他们喜欢的科技产品让这家公司里的许多人讳莫如深:那就是iPhone手机。
While there are always enormous IPO successes such as Microsoft Corp. in 1986 and [gm99nd] Inc. in 2004, most freshly minted stocks don't keep pace.
尽管1986年的微软(Microsoft Corp .)和2004年的[gm 66nd] ([gm 99nd] Inc .)等股票都获得了巨大成功,但大多数新股都表现滞后。
'I'm going to have to work a lot harder to get into the school I want,' says Kunal Das, 25, a search media strategist at Microsoft Corp. in New York.
“要想进入心仪的学校,我必须更加努力才行。”25岁的库纳尔·达斯(Kunal Das)说,他在微软纽约分部担任搜索媒体策略师。
Meantime, many companies are making plans to upgrade to Microsoft Corp. 's new operating system, Windows 7, which is further driving hardware spending.
与此同时,许多公司正计划升级至微软(Microsoft Corp .)的新操作系统Windows7,这将进一步带动硬件支出。
Microsoft Corp. said Thursday that its net income in the latest quarter rose 51 percent, boosted by higher sales of Windows and Office software to businesses.
The netbook, which Nokia describes as a mini-laptop, comes with Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 7 operating system and will be on shelves in the fourth quarter.
诺基亚将这款上网本描述为迷你笔记本电脑,预装微软(Microsoft Corp.)的Windows7操作系统,将于第四季度上市。
The European Union is dropping antitrust charges against Microsoft Corp. after the company agreed to give Windows users a choice of up to 12 other Web browsers.
Microsoft Corp. continued to promote its new operating system for smartphones, but still lost 0.9 percentage points of market share in the quarter ended March 31.
Microsoft Corp. continued to promote its new operating system for smartphones, but still lost 0.9 percentage points of market share in the quarter ended March 31.