Cacioppo and his team focused on the children of the original Framingham cohort, which included more than 5, 200 middle-aged men and women.
Their results are based on examinations of the lifestyles, diets and cardiovascular risk factors of 985 middle-aged men and women in Tanzania, 130 of who were Masai, 371 farmers and 484 urbanites.
One expert on nutrition and heart disease said the study suggests middle-aged men, at least, should watch how many eggs they eat.
The overall suicide rate rose 0.7% during this time, but the rate for white men aged 40 to 64 rose 2.7% and for middle-aged women 3.9% , the team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found.
The drop in mortality, some scientists point out, is partly due to better treatment for heart disease and to a decline in smoking among middle-aged men.
Every Seymour book seems to feature gloomy middle-aged men with disastrous personal lives and dead-end careers.
Most common in overweight, middle aged men, those with the condition are at increased risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
And by far the most troubling to Fache was the inescapable universal truth that in an office of middle-aged men, an attractive young woman always drew eyes away from the work at hand.
Boy will be boy, and so will a lot of middle - aged men.
In front of this large group of children, there were three sturdily-built middle-aged men. All three of them wore short-sleeved shirts and roughly cut trousers.
The new study followed healthy middle-aged men in the UK for 15 years, and found that carrying a common variant of the gene increased their risk of developing diabetes by 50 per cent.
Then she saw her husband and two middle-aged men who looked like brokers sitting at a table in the corner.
We think of it as generally characterised by middle-aged men feeling mortality's cold grip and trying to escape death by indulging in sports cars, inappropriate clothing and young girlfriends.
Boy will is boy, and so will a lot of middle aged men.
Objective to determine the effects of low dose aspirin on cognitive function in middle aged to elderly men and women at moderately increased cardiovascular risk.
Middle-aged women are predispositional to localized abacterial pustulosis, whereas no difference in morbidity of generalized abacterial pustulosis between men and women was observed.
I turned around and saw two middle-aged men standing by the lobby's spiral staircase.
Also, proposals of how to classify dimensions and sizes of the medium human figures among the middle-and old-aged men have been put forward.
The company mainly engaged in Korean, women, men, middle-aged clothing, children's clothing, etc. , and undertake Korean apparel OEM trade processing.
A study of the effects of alcohol on the middle-aged and elderly found the average IQ of men who drink wine (whether made from grapes or rice) was 3.3 points higher than that of men who do not imbibe.
In the "non-interference not sincere", and middle-aged "men left," ge You marriage of a total of eight von girl, and one of the "Jasmine" Have become the most viewers about the candidates.
Worrying about thinning hair and baldness is not just the realm of middle aged men. Women and men of all ages can suffer.
Facelifts are surging in popularity among American men, and middle-aged men had the majority of work done, a survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) showed.
Facelifts are surging in popularity among American men, and middle-aged men had the majority of work done, a survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) showed.