During the process of the claim, I visited Ministry of Labour a few times.
The Ministry of Labour and the Ottawa Police are investigating the incident.
Perhaps I should go to the Ministry of Labour to check my claim of vacation pay.
Labor Administrative Supervision, the Ministry of Labour for device arbitration.
The National Health Insurance Scheme was launched by India's Ministry of Labour and Employment in April 2008.
Months later, I received the final letter from Ministry of Labour to tell me that the tough task of collecting payment was authorized to a collection agency.
On October 19, I received an express letter, which was sent by Ministry of Labour, to inform me a meeting, between my previous employer and I, would happen on November 16, 2007.
This rule has an exception as any worker who works on a daily basis, such as in hotels, and restaurants, are regulated by the Ministry of Labour due to the nature of each profession.
Actually no one can obligate the sponsor to grant an NOC; not even the Ministry of Labour as long as the sponsor has not breached the UAE Labour Law or arbitrarily dismissed the employee.
So did the Toyota Labour Standards Inspection Office, part of the Labour ministry.
Jimmy Manyi has been suspended as director-general of the Labour ministry after allegations that he sought to use his post to further his own businesses.
The labour ministry said 85, 000 temporary and part-time workers would lose their jobs by the end of March, well over double the number forecast last month.
The Labour ministry has also exhorted employers to reduce dependence on recruitment of staff from overseas countries.
Studies of eight sectors that have minimum wages commissioned by the labour ministry show little damage to employment.
The labour ministry began publishing its findings in2003 in response to complaints of employees forced to work overtime and developing health problems.
At the federal level the task of the federal ministry for Labour and Social Affairs as the lead ministry will be described.
The ministry will obligate the company to issue a labour card in favour of the employee.
The ministry will obligate the company to issue a labour card in favour of the employee.