It was Harvey Weinstein, President of Miramax.
MONTAGNE: Miramax will no longer be part of Disney's entertainment empire.
A small movie studio called Miramax Films was extremely successful last year.
Miramax is based in New York City, unlike the large studios that are based in Hollywood.
But the Bagger does have one E-mail invite to small studio gig Friday night, and Miramax might let him in on to theirs on Saturday.
"The real difficulty is getting a film out there into the marketplace," agreed Matt Brodlie, director of acquisitions at Miramax Films.
Early this wow gold year, it was rumored that a company from China world of warcraft gold was among the bidders for Miramax, a Disney subsidiary.
The original plan was to film the trilogy in two movies. Miramax said that it had to be done in one movie so the producers went to New Line Cinema.
Mike Lang, chief executive of Miramax, said: "Over the next 10 years I think you will see something much bigger than what we saw over the last 20 years."
Mr Earnhart, a former producer for Miramax Films, has applied some cinematic flourishes to this production, which often recalls the bizarre cinema of David Lynch.
In 2006 the members of the Motion Picture Association of America released 204 films, including 80 from their subsidiaries-partly independent outfits like Miramax and New Line.
Mr. Weinstein, who left Miramax Films in 2005 with hisbrother Bob to form the Weinstein Company, last had a best picture with themusical “Chicago, ” released by Miramax in 2002.
哈维·温斯坦于2005年离开了米拉麦克斯影片(Miramax Films),并与他的兄弟鲍勃(Bob)一起创立了温斯坦公司。 该公司之前还有部音乐剧《芝加哥(Chicago)》拿了最佳影片奖,2002年由米拉麦克斯发行。
For IFFCON 2000, we will have our first-ever keynote address by Jack Lechner, formerly of Miramax, Channel 4, and HBO, who will be speaking to that very issue—a kind of "where do we go from here?"
对于IFFCON 2000年,我们将得到我们有史以来第一次由杰克莱希纳发表演说,前米拉麦克斯,第4频道和HBO,谁将会是非常的问题发言,一种“在我们从这里走?”
For IFFCON 2000, we will have our first-ever keynote address by Jack Lechner, formerly of Miramax, Channel 4, and HBO, who will be speaking to that very issue—a kind of "where do we go from here?"
对于IFFCON 2000年,我们将得到我们有史以来第一次由杰克莱希纳发表演说,前米拉麦克斯,第4频道和HBO,谁将会是非常的问题发言,一种“在我们从这里走?”