A mixin can implement multiple interfaces.
The callback logic is a good example of a mixin.
It turns out that there is — it's known as a mixin.
Scala provides a complete mixin solution, called traits.
An interface is also constructed for the parent of the mixin.
The first use of the word mixin originated with the Lisp community.
The Resource Template Mixin builds upon the concept of OS Templates.
Additionally, Jam imposes five constraints on the instantiation of a mixin.
A "mixin class" is an interesting concept, and is often a good design choice.
Constructors cannot be declared in a mixin, but only for mixin instantiations.
However, unlike an abstract class, a mixin does not try to contain the framework for a child.
The name mixin was used because such classes can be mixed together with other classes in various ways.
之所以使用 mixin这个名称,是因为这样的类可以以各种方式与其它类混合在一起。
This parent interface is extended by the mixin interface (but not by the instantiations of the parent class).
Without it, there is no way to ensure that a Jam mixin type will be valid across all possible instantiations.
In Figure 2, we've turned class Scrollable into a mixin that can extend different classes in different contexts.
In this solution, a mixin is associated with a view that determines which method to call in the case of a name clash.
A potential show-stopper, passing "this" as an argument to a method or a constructor from inside a mixin is forbidden!
可能的显示阻塞(show -stopper)将“this”作为参数从mixin内部传递给方法或构造器,这是被禁止的!
If no constructors are specified in a mixin instantiation, the default zero-argument (zeroary) constructor is assumed.
Also notice that the type checker can't even check that every instantiation of a mixin will result in valid super-constructor calls.
Mixins in Jam, like ordinary classes, define types; mixin instantiations have both the type of the mixin and the type of the parent.
Objective: To Study the effect of fixing-fluoride of bone salt emulsion extracted from sheep bone for raw material of Mixin black tea.
Class abstractions are extended by subclassing and a flexible mixin-based composition mechanism as a clean replacement for multiple inheritance.
This was sometimes called a "mixin" in C++, though not to be confused with Ruby mixins (or the Scala mixin, which I'll discuss in a later article.)
这有时在 C++ 中称为 “混合”,与Ruby 的混合(或后文中探讨的Scala 混合)有所不同。
Although the concept of mixins has been applied to many languages, Jam is novel in that it introduces mixin-based programming rigorously in the context of a strongly typed language.
Jam mixins can be instantiated only on classes; unlike components in Jiazzi, there is no notion of mixin composition (however, the Jam team would like to explore such an extension).
Ambiguous overloading is a problem because method arguments may be of mixin type, allowing for situations in which two overloaded methods are applicable and neither is more specific.
Ambiguous overloading is a problem because method arguments may be of mixin type, allowing for situations in which two overloaded methods are applicable and neither is more specific.