The drying time increases rapidly as the final moisture content approaches its equilibrium value.
For rolling dryer, the higher filling power value corresponds to downstream quickly drying way, higher inlet temperature and moisture content.
To measure the moisture content in a laundry detergent by different methods will result in different numerical values, which are certainly dissimilar to the theoretical value.
Heat value, moisture, ignition point and ash content are main indexes to affect fire resistance.
Moisture moving in grain kernel and partial distribution of high moisture grain in the coil affected measured value of moisture content of grain by using high frequency coil.
This article presented experimental result and empirical formula of heat value of wood fuel, and analysed influence of moisture content of wood fuel on the heat value.
The content of Channamaculata's ingredient except gross moisture, phosphorus, are all higher than Channaargus. So Channa maculata's nutritional value are higher Channa argus'.
Conclusions in this paper have practical value for drying technology design and equipment development for the high moisture content paddy.
The viscosity, combustion heat, sulfur content, carbon residue, ash, flash point, moisture and cetane value of biodiesel and its blending oils with diesel were determined.
The result presents, the shrinking value of the aerated concrete block increases with the decreasing humidity of environment and increasing initial moisture content;
Using the desorption equilibrium to calculated the moisture content is higher than the value calculated by the sorption.
The rough fat content, moisture content, total amount of amino-acid, ammonia content, acid value and peroxide value in feed were determined before and after storage.
The rough fat content, moisture content, total amount of amino-acid, ammonia content, acid value and peroxide value in feed were determined before and after storage.