But they share a similar history: both planes finally took to the air more than two years late and far over budget.
Insiders say that over the past two years the firm has paid more attention to its credit and distressed-debt businesses than buy-outs.
The economy has been growing even faster, by more than 9%, over the past two years, but this has pushed up inflation, forcing the central bank to raise interest rates.
The industry's biggest player is LIFE Technologies (LIFE), a Carlsbad (Calif.) company that has seen its sales more than quadruple over the past two years.
They sold Samuel Eto 'o, the striker who has scored more goals than anyone else in Spain over the past five years and got his side's vital first in two Champions League finals.
The amount of meat and fish traded at the market more than doubled over the two years that the researchers were making records.
The sharp rise in oil prices follows an equally sharp collapse over the previous two years, when prices fell by more than half to their lowest level in real terms since before the 1973 shock.
Over the last two years, the B.E.A. has in fact issued two bound reports, which include more than 200 pages of extensive data on the crash.
This says that computers double in power roughly every two years—an increase of more than 30 times over the course of a decade, with concomitant reductions in cost.
President Mark Yudof of the University of California recently defended tuition and fee increases of more than 32 percent over the next two years as the only viable short-run option for that system.
加州大学校长Mark Yudof最近在为学杂费在未来两年将上调32%以上进行辩护时说:对于加州大学系统而言,这是唯一可行的短期方案。
TWO years ago more than 47, 000 people from all over the world journeyed to Scotland to celebrate their Caledonian lineage in an event called the “Homecoming”.
General Atomics has built more than five dozen small reactors over the years, mostly for research purposes, including two gas-cooled units.
To make things worse, over two and a half years, Apple has seen more success with the iPhone than Microsoft has to show for a full decade of its mobile efforts.
In the two companies I founded, I was involved in hiring more than 1,000 workers over the years.
The company's founder, Tim Westergren, said in a blog post: "For more than two years now I have been eagerly anticipating the day when I could finally write these words: the royalty crisis is over."
In the two companies I founded, I was involved in hiring more than 1, 000 workers over the years.
Over the next two years, beekeepers lost more than one-third of their honey bees.
Over the past two years, more than seven million Americans have lost their jobs.
Most of China's two generations to take over the business, more than half to close within 5 years or by annex, sell.
But a gain of two BMI units over two years is more than the typical weight gain for adolescent girls, the researchers said.
For more than two years funds have been salivating over the slew of assets that Europe's Banks will have to sell.
We should, in the next two and half years, brace ourselves for the games on all fronts to welcome about five thousand young athletes and more than ten thousand spectators from all over the world.
And in less than two weeks, after more than 13 years, our combat mission in Afghanistan will be over, and our war there will come to a responsible end.
Recall more than two thousand years thousand, the magical son becomes the human body , a obsolete times having been over.
Daljit Singh (name changed), another employee at the company, said: "I have been working here for over two years and my employer is withholding more than US $ 1500 of my salary."
The 21 year-old counterfeiter, who was also claiming benefit, painstakingly kept recorded delivery slips for every single game copying device he peddled over more than two years.
The 21 year-old counterfeiter, who was also claiming benefit, painstakingly kept recorded delivery slips for every single game copying device he peddled over more than two years.