What that really meant was that development took place on a mostly ad hoc basis.
The script was not completely prepared when filming began, since the filmmakers were more focused on the story and the action, so the dialogue was mostly ad-libbed throughout filming;
The company had done TV ads prior to that (starting with the AD based on George Orwell's "1984" during the 1984 Super Bowl), but mostly in conjunction with print campaigns.
The two 45-minute periods of each match go mostly uninterrupted, limiting natural ad breaks to immediately before and after the match and at halftime.
The stash of some 52,000 mostly bronze COINS dating from the third century AD was buried in a large, well-preserved pot close to the picturesque town of Frome.
It introduces the overall design of the system in chapter two, formed mostly with precondition of pulse, enlarge signal, Low-Pass Filter, AD Conversion, Serial Communication, waveform showing etc.
Apochromatic correction using AD elements. Mostly used on tele primes and zooms.
Apochromatic correction using AD elements. Mostly used on tele primes and zooms.