Within contemporary attachment theory, these motivational structures constitute internal models of behavior.
These are the technological routes that adopted. Traditional motivational theories include demand level theory, dual factors theory, theory of expecting, aggrandizement theory and setback theory.
As the key content of HRM, the salary management has a lot of theories to analyze the motivational salary study from inside and outside equity theory and employee expectation theory.
Second, the motivational mechanism of sport volunteer should be established and the sport volunteer motivation theory be improved;
Expectancy-Value Theory and Attribution Theory also form the theoretical basis of the motivational variables which can be used in interpreting the complicated motivational activities of individuals.
In this paper, after having analysed some motivational mechanism model of technological innovation, we put forward the expectation theory of technological innovation.
In this paper, after having analysed some motivational mechanism model of technological innovation, we put forward the expectation theory of technological innovation.