Because diagrams can illustrate multiple views of a model, the same model element can appear in one or more diagrams.
The user interface must keep in balance legibility, readability, typography, symbolism, multiple views, and color or texture in order to communicate successfully.
Keeping in line with MVC architecture, we create multiple views for the same model and display the correct view based on the type of invoking client.
An Action can have multiple Views, and can call a different view depending on the result that is to be shown at any given time.
From a user interface and maintenance perspective, it's better to have a single view with a handful of sorting arrows than multiple views.
The workspace contains multiple views, and you can navigate and organize these views to suit your preferences (Figure 1).
But you can also create multiple views that can access the same data using an adapter view.
You can create multiple views and switch among them, and you can disable and enable a view to reveal and hide files as necessary.
Document the architecture in multiple views.
In a typical LZX application, you will often use multiple views, nested within each other.
Therefore, if we want to comprehensively analyze the effect of QE2 policy on the world, we need to study from multiple views.
"I think the biggest challenge is building a cohesive user experience and enabling and allowing for multiple views," he said.
JPA entity components do not support multiple views.
The MVC architecture usually involves multiple views and a single data source.
In some cases, it may make sense to break up your data into multiple views, and then to guide your users to the correct view.
Because of this separation, multiple views and controllers can work with the same model.
When you have multiple views, you must construct a frameset.
There are multiple views into such a complex environment that need to be considered and a large variety of things to be looked at in order to get a complete picture.
Paulo: Architecture documentation consists of multiple views showing the multiple structures of the system.
KOffice documents are KParts components, except that the KOffice architecture allows multiple views for a single document, whereas KParts has a single widget for a part.
It illustrate the system from different viewpoints (multiple views), so that a complete design can be created.
Try the new IBM Lotus Expeditor V6.1 framework to create multiple views of the same application that allow smart phones, PDAs, and mobile devices to interact with your software systems seamlessly.
Caching multiple views for the same portlet is possible because the cache key contains the relevant information from the navigational state parameters.
The inputChanged() method accepts a Viewer as an input argument, so multiple views can use a single ContentProvider.
inputChanged()方法接受 Viewer作为输入参数,所以多个视图可以使用一个 ContentProvider。
Perry and Wolf suggest there are some very interesting points about building architecture, including software architecture, with multiple views.
The perspective contains multiple views of Ruby elements.
Multiple views -- views are scalable in that multiple implementations can be made to represent the same data model.
Multiple views within each level: in this simple example, we presented a dynamic view and static view at each level.
You've learned that an architecture can be represented through multiple views, each focusing on a specific aspect and dimension of the architecture.
It adds version and configuration management capabilities to workspace projects, and gives you multiple views of team features.