The term "nation-state", Hill and Spicer argue, blurs the internal cultural and linguistic multiplicity of states that could more precisely be called "conquest states".
The major difficulty, however, with the findings of critics such as de Jongh is that it is not easy to assess the multiplicity of levels in which Dutch viewers interpreted these pictures.
This situation can be influenced by a multiplicity of different factors.
Asia, with its multiplicity of cultures and customs, is a particularly difficult terrain.
Whole new realms of understanding—from gender to race to cultural studies—were opened up as scholars unpicked the multiplicity of lost societies.
Table 3: Multiplicity values and their indicators.
Change the multiplicity of Item: : comment from 1 to 0.. 1.
将Item:comment的多重性从1改为0 . . 1。
It also explains why we use a specific multiplicity in the correspondence.
At either end of the line, you place a role name and a multiplicity value.
(a minimum multiplicity of zero means that the input or output is optional).
A data input is required if its minimum multiplicity is greater than zero.
We have a multiplicity of health initiatives focused on delivering outcomes.
However, because the relationship role of "manages" has a multiplicity of 0..
然而,因为“manages”的关系角色有0 . .。
Next, as this is to be a required field, ensure that Multiplicity is set to 1.
You have created business models and specified details such as labels and multiplicity.
It does too little to reduce the multiplicity of regulators that has long undermined their effectiveness.
The multiplicity '0..1' says that for a particular candidate there could be zero or one matching departments.
重数“0..1”表明对于某个特定的candidate,将会有零个或一个与之匹配的 department。
Another challenge is the United States 'sheer size, with 50 state governments and a multiplicity of privacy laws.
Further confusion arises from the multiplicity of open-source software licences, each with their own set of rules.
Physicists call such phenomena "emergent" because they depend on a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions.
You are looking for association ends which have a multiplicity of one, symbolized by 1in UML2 (see Figure 8 following).
你在寻找多重性为1的关联结尾,记为1in UML2 (请见下面的图8)。
You can also see that we have identified three attributes as optional using UML multiplicity [0..1], as shown in Figure 11.
To model complex information, you can also specify a list of values for tags that have a multiplicity greater than one.
The multiplicity of roles Mr. Phoenix performs in "I'm Still here" brings to mind Todd Haynes's similarly titled "I'm Not There."
For other cases, such as when changing multiplicity-many properties, using the EMF API could improve performance drastically.
The pattern in Figure 20 shows the first solution, where the minimum multiplicity of item D as input of Task 4 is set to zero.
"As there is a multiplicity of creatures on Earth, so there could be other beings, even intelligent, created by God," he added.
Although the stars are still among the heaviest known, the mass limit has not been broken due to the multiplicity of the system.
"There are about 1, 000 bottles in there, and they become a multiplicity of lenses of different shapes, sizes and colors," Lawrence says.
This enables the building of very lightweight, stateless proxies that support a multiplicity of transport and transformation options.