His family knew him to be, on all common occasions, a most negligent and dilatory correspondent, but at such a time they had hoped for exertion.
Though this negligent attitude may not follow the spirit of science, such a trivial difference could be neglected as long as the scientists have done their best.
Nevertheless, some CPL policies preserve coverage for faulty workmanship that is the result of a negligent act, error, or omission in the performance of professional services.
In the case of a slightly negligent a condition which goes to the root of the contract, Contractor shall be liable only for reasonably foreseeable damage which is intrinsic to the contract.
He waved his hand in a negligent gesture.
Or how about the student whose claim that his professor was negligent in his method of handing back graded exams was recognized by a court of appeals as constituting a legitimate cause of action?
Until Starr came along, no one had ever been indicted for a negligent failure to report deposits or withdrawals of legitimate funds.
"Fault" includes ACTS or omissions that are in any measure negligent or reckless toward the person or property of the actor or others, or that subject a person to strict tort liability.
But in response to the criticism, Brazilian Blowout put up a web page calling the tests invalid and saying the safety agency was grossly negligent in its testing.
What decides a certain kind of wrong, including negligent dangerous act which can be criminalized is not subjective wrong, but the social harmfulness possessed by dangerous act itself.
They could be found negligent if they fail to do this and you suffer as a result.
A person is liable on the basis of fault for intentional or negligent violation of the required standard of conduct.
His being negligent has initiated the road accident a train of.
Furthermore, several issues in choosing and using related technical standards and codes are discussed, as well as in judging whether a professional is negligent in work.
The attorney general of Northern Sonora state Abel Murrieta told a news conference that seven officials, all from the state's finance department, were being charged with negligent homicide.
He drove the car in a negligent way and hit a stationary lorry.
"Criminally negligent" means conduct that involves a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise under the circumstances, but which is not reckless.
“刑事过失”(Criminally negligent)意为,犯罪行为涉及偏离普通正常人(reasonableperson)在当时情形下的注意标准和范围,但是其不是轻率的行为。
Laura acknowledged this compliment with a negligent wave of her left hand.
The prosecution argued that it was caused by a design defect in the plant and negligent operational practices.
It's pretty negligent for a doctor.
Following a six-week case, cardiologist Dr Conrad Murray, 58, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after the jury decided his treatment of the singer had been criminally negligent.
Life is a long tape, note each passerby's sound of one's walking, opportunity for life fair, negligent of, make or close oneself, only can miss every one may call accidental predestination as.
It will also settle whether BP, the well's operator, was grossly negligent—a finding that could be worth well over $10 billion in fines and liabilities.
During SARS, everyone values health, we have been negligent eating up a close watch.
During SARS, everyone values health, we have been negligent eating up a close watch.