How did Nessie get into Loch Nessie?
Nessie is usually categorized as a type of lake monster.
We missed Nessie so much and it hurt to be away form her.
Most scientists agree that Nessie is neither a whale nor a shark.
Most scientists agree that nessie is neither a whale nor a shark.
More than one slippery creature is said to be living in Loch Nessie.
My nickname is' Nessie 'and people have been hunting me for generations.
Robert Rines, scientist and Nessie-hunter, died on November 1st, aged 87.
When Edward and I returned back to Forks, we couldn't wait to see Nessie.
Edward told me he loves Nessie and me more than anything he has ever loved, or will ever love.
ECRYPT is a four years information security project with wider scope, which was launched by Europe after NESSIE.
Nessie updated us on her adventures with Jacob while Emmett interrupted to updated Edward on the baseball scores.
I still worry about our life in Forks. I am perpetually afraid of people becoming suspicious of my new appearance, or discovering Nessie.
Baby Nessie sunshade float BN0700 Purple and green dinosaur inflatable float with green vinyl seat bucket and yellow inflatable adjustable sunshade.
There'll also be Celtic tales around a bonfire with (ahem) Gordon the Viking, a check on Nessie, a nose around Eilean Donan castle, and a boat trip to watch seals.
Even though no one knew what it was, they knew what to call it: "Prince chupa," after the mysterious vampire chupacabra (the world's best-known monster after Bigfoot and Nessie).
When Edward, Nessie, Jacob and I were visiting with Carlisle and Esme, a man came to the door. He was a rather scruffy man, with good looks hidden under his ragged hair and dirty nails.
Nessie, Edward, Jacob, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, Esme and Sue are there already. I came home for a few hours to gather myself... the smell of blood in the hospital became hard for me to handle.
Even close family members, taken reverently into the "Nessie room" in his Boston apartment or instructed never to be without cameras on Scottish holidays, could not quite understand his obsession.
Even close family members, taken reverently into the "Nessie room" in his Boston apartment or instructed never to be without cameras on Scottish holidays, could not quite understand his obsession.