China became a net importer of thermal coal this year.
China was a net importer of oil products for the first time.
We have become a net importer, and lost international competitiveness.
Germany became a net importer of pellets for the first time in 2016.
In 2005 the UK became a net importer of oil for the first time since 1979.
Although Iran is a net exporter of oil, it is a net importer of refined products.
China's booming market has also turned the country into a net importer of the metal.
For the past 15 years, America has been a net importer of capital, not an exporter.
Since 2007 the country has been a net importer of food, after decades of self-sufficiency.
According to the theory of comparative advantage, China should be a net importer of grain.
But there is another side to the equation: someone must act as a net importer and someone must let their currency rise.
First, as a large net importer of raw materials it will benefit from the plunge in commodity prices, unlike Latin America.
The world and events are much bigger than we can ever plan for. Japan is a major net importer and consumer of oil-thus oil prices fall.
Even when a country has become a exporter of hardware technology, she will remain a net importer of software technology for a long time.
In an extraordinary reversal, last year Japan became a net importer of televisions and stereos (albeit often with a Japanese brand on the casing).
China's hunger for energy turned it into a net importer in 2009 of the thermal coal that fuels power stations, a trend that is set to continue.
Asia has two other advantages. First, as a large net importer of raw materials it will benefit from the plunge in commodity prices, unlike Latin America.
It is expected that North America will continue to be a net importer of nitrogen and that the region will move into increasing phosphate deficit while remaining a primary supplier of potash.
Japan is a net importer of food, but it has substantial exports of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and seafood, of which the country exports around 200, 000 tonnes per annum, according to the WHO.
From being a net exporter of agricultural products in 1981, we became a food importer.
Malaysia will probably be a net oil importer by 2014 (gas is more abundant).
Over the past 13 years, China has moved from being a net exporter of oil to become the world's second-biggest importer, relying on foreign sources for 40% of its demand.
Over the past 13 years, China has moved from being a net exporter of oil to become the world's second-biggest importer, relying on foreign sources for 40% of its demand.