All network request classes should inherit it.
After a network request has been completed, the stack writes the response to the cache.
First, the related concepts of DVE are presented, and DVE's network request and system structure are analyzed.
It is decisive that choose the appropriate communication medium, because the realization of home network request economy and usability.
TTFB (or Time to first byte) is the duration from the initial network request being initiated by the browser to the first byte being received from the server.
TTFB (or Time To First Byte) is the duration from the initial network request being initiated by the browser to the first byte being received from the server.
Abstract: Due to the dynamic characteristic of Virtual Network Request (VNR) resources, a Virtual Network Embedding algorithm based on dynamic Virtual Network Requests (DVNR-VNE) was proposed.
摘要:针对虚拟网络请求资源动态变化的实际情况,提出了面向动态虚拟网络请求的虚拟网络映射(DVNR - VNE)算法。
According to user's purview, the terminal switches the hard disk and communicates network request with the physical isolation controller, then the controller links the PC to the corresponding network.
Each request carries some data over the network; if the request does not find any updates on the server, this data transfer is a waste.
On the top of that, each request carries some data over the network; if the request does not find any updates on the server, this data transfer is a waste.
Consider the case of a program sending a purchase request to another program over a network.
All of the above solutions use a simple loop to wait and handle requests, before dispatching the request to a separate function to handle the actual network interaction.
If a valid response can be found in the browser cache, the browser displays the content to the end user without sending a request to the network.
In some environments, sensitive information is added to the request after it has arrived on your network.
SNMP is a popular standard protocol that allows system management software to request and receive information from network devices, servers, and software.
The creation of the message that represents the request and response and the transfer of this data across the network create substantial overhead.
Your host has an active network adapter that can be used to send out the request.
This avoids the problem of congesting the network channel with non-critical resources when a high-priority request is pending.
The network contains all the infrastructure components that a request passes on its way from the browser to the portal infrastructure.
SOAP USES serializers and deserializers to translate from the native language of a software application to the SOAP protocols that transfer the request and response over the network.
A slow network connection still affects the response time since these request and reply headers can take several seconds to be transmitted.
If no matching valid response can be found in the browser cache, the request is sent to the network.
Every request requires an entirely new set of resources (objects, CPU and network bandwidth) to process a response.
The CIM Client issues a CIM server process request that creates a subscription over the network; the main function of the process is to register to receive indications.
CIM客户机将发出 CIM服务器过程请求,该请求将创建基于网络的订阅;过程的主要函数将注册以接收表示。
Most applications that request this data, however, employ some form of caching, as network round-trips are very expensive.
Traverse the network stack to accept the inbound request.
The DNS request is intercepted and rewritten by a device on the venue's network.
Because you are done receiving data from the server at this point, your request is complete and you can turn off the network activity indicator, as listing 4 demonstrates.
Because you are done receiving data from the server at this point, your request is complete and you can turn off the network activity indicator, as listing 4 demonstrates.