I never imagined it to be like this!
She knew I didn't smoke and hence never imagined I could have taken her cigarettes.
"I never imagined in my life that I would be so close to such a creature," he says in a telephone interview.
In my teens I loved writers like Dostoyevsky, Kafka and Balzac, but I never imagined I could write anything that would measure up to the works they left us.
It is the most remarkable: I never imagined that one's old shadow could come again as a man.
Over the past four months, I had never imagined how I would feel once our project was completed.
As a child, I never imagined that I would become a teacher just like Mrs. Brown, passing love and care on to my students.
In my wildest dreams, I would never have imagined that this could happen nowadays.
I imagined the cricket was telling a story that would never end.
But, I never imagined she would sacrifice her lovely hair for the sake of my son!
Reading that hurt me in ways I could never have imagined, every word a spike in my chest.
I've always been an optimist about the cause of sound money, but even I never imagined that the anti-Fed cause would become material for popular protests in my lifetime.
I never imagined this would be something I'd miss, but it's just another small detail that works really well on the iPhone and you'll notice when its gone.
"I never imagined that they would fire at us," said Lee Kil-yeo, one of the residents who stayed home on the island Wednesday. "I don't want to live here anymore."
周三呆在岛上家中的居民LeeKil - yeo说:“我从来没有想到,他们会向我们开火,我再也不想住在这里了。”
Another user - andyspocket from Nashville, Tennessee - complained: 'I never imagined how USELESS this device is without connection - can basically only type notes in notepad app.
You may recall Ronnen from his appearances on Oprah, which caused Oprah to exclaim, "Wow, wow, wow! I never imagined meatless meals could be so satisfying."
“I imagined we’d have all sorts of conversations about the characters, about the plot, ” he said. “But we never did.
I never imagined getting this excited about seeing a bird, squirrel or monkey, particularly when they are hundreds of meters away!
Most of the improvements from users are ones that I would have never imagined on my own, and a few are almost shocking in their insight.
I had always thought the whole man spoke — had never even imagined that the act of speech could be viewed in this detached way.
I end up with something different than I had anticipated yet always a better situation or outcome for me. Things come in ways I could never have imagined.
When I began my venture into the hobby of keeping pet birds, I never imagined that birds could teach me anything.
I had never imagined that it would ever happen to me.
Of course, back then, I never could have imagined being in the same situation someday with my own kids.
Of course, back then, I never could have imagined being in the same situation someday with my own kids.