Then, it's added to that yogurt you ate this morning while lording your health consciousness over the guy in the cubicle next to you who had an Egg McMuffin.
Next time you talk with someone who takes a stand, ask them to give you a reason for their view.
Next time you are watching your pet fish from outside the tank, perhaps you should feel close to them—they may remember who you are.
There is no reason to love the people who live next door to you, just because they happen to wander into a real estate office that listed the place next door to yours.
Those of you, who travel by cars, please move on to the next post, because this one is just for my friends who take the bus and trains like me!
If you're one of those responsible types who balances a checkbook, you can try writing every purchase to the next dollar to create an invisible buffer in your account.
We’ve all been guilty of turning on the TV to catch the last quarter of the game or check to see who’s still on the island and who isn’t—and next thing you know, it’s 2 a.m.
One year on the twenty-fifth of December, Tokufu, who was very old, said to his disciples: "I am not going to be alive next year so you fellows should treat me well this year."
Next, you need to identify those who will play key roles in satisfying your objective, both within and outside the domain.
Once you understand who the stakeholders are, the next step is to establish their needs.
Now that you have shown your audience that you are a sensible person who shares their values and beliefs, the next step is to clearly state the specific purpose of your speech.
Then there's always the stress that somebody who joins a parallel line next to you can get their burgers and fries before you, and that adds to the stress of the day.
You are quickly introduced to the next participant who is about to do the same task you just completed.
The next day you mention the supplement to your friend, who suggests the supplement worked great for her.
The next step is to figure out who it is you need to connect with.
Before moving on to the next phase, it makes sense to write a small function that tells you who the current user is already following.
Next time I'll tell you more about the coming weeks but I think you'll lunch is anyone who has a card for me to sign?
Some contacts will give you ideas. Others will introduce you to people they know who might take you to the next level.
So a stern letter from a lawyer may be enough to make him think twice about his response to the next prospective employer who calls asking about you.
It also offers a chance to wager on the capital having a white Christmas (at ten-to-one against) or who will win the next election (the Tories, if you believe the odds).
Do you believe the next generation of Chinese leaders who will take power in two years will share your outlook and keep trying to press the vision you are pressing forward?
The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth.
Ned: Do you remember a little boy who lived next to you when your dad died?
Talk to yourself. Who cares if the person running next to you thinks you're crazy?
Who wants to live in a place where you can live next door to someone and not talk to them for years?
If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't care about football, and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies - buy a dog.
You get into the office, make a coffee, chat to the person who sits next to you.
You get into the office, make a coffee, chat to the person who sits next to you.