We were walking along the bank of the Niger river, searching for the tracks of a hippopotamus that was ravaging the corn on Karim's farm.
Mali near the Niger river; formerly famous for its gold trade.
A city of southern Nigeria in the Niger River delta southeast of Ibadan.
Several years later, will these splendent architecture and culture still exist along the Niger River?
Currently most of its terrain is made up of desert plains and sand dunes with some savanna around the Niger river.
A river of western Africa rising in Cameroon and flowing about, 078 km (' 70 mi) to the Niger river in central Nigeria.
非洲西部一条河流,发源于喀麦隆,流程约,078公里(' 70英里),在尼日利亚中部注入尼罗河。
A river of western Africa rising in Cameroon and flowing about 1,078 km (670 mi) to the Niger river in central Nigeria.
Families live in mud-built huts along the Niger River, where fishermen in paddle-powered boats cast nets for catfish and carp.
A city of eastern Guinea on a tributary of the Niger River. It is the commercial center of a farming area. Population, 229,000.
In Mali, about three million acres along the Niger River and its inland delta are controlled by a state-run trust called the Office du Niger.
The capital and largest city of Niger, in the southwest part of the country on the Niger River. It is an important commercial center. Population, 399, 00.
National aggregate estimates of infection mask important local variations: e.g. most S. haematobium infections in the Niger occur in the Niger River valley.
Niger river in domestic long approximately 550 kilometers, it is one of the world hottest nations, North are subordinate tropics desert climate, south are subordinate savanna climate.
In systems too large for a single group, there are layers of decision-making: the nomads of the Sahel, for example, used to have overlapping informal authorities up and down the Niger river.
But the hardest hit have been West African countries along the River Niger, which is at its highest level in over 80 years, according to the BBC.
But the hardest hit have been West African countries along the River Niger, which is at its highest level in over 80 years, according to the BBC.