No matter how well you know this city, it is easy to get lost.
No, I didn't have any trouble. I didn't get lost.
Of course, most men have no interest in being there and that is why they get lost in the aisles.
Antarctica has no hospitals, no food to forage and if you get lost, not a lot of hope.
So even if no energy is lost, you are still going to get less amplitude as it is spreading out.
Digital files are no different than paper files, and if you don't have a good method of organization, things get lost.
Often questions and individual points that need addressing via email get lost because there's no easy way to reply to a specific section of a message.
If you have lost some weight there are congratulations and if you haven't there's no blame, but a repetition and reinforcing of the practices that will get you to the goal.
Make no mistake, as a business owner, the cost of the upgrade itself is nothing compared to the lost wages trying to get the new OS to do what the old one did.
Walk a lot. The best way to explore any place is to walk. Walk all over, with no set directions. Get lost.
The reason why is when you’re in retirement it’s impossible to get the money back that you lost because you don’t have a salary coming in, so time is no longer on your side.
No matter what we do, we can not get lost time back.
Don't get lost in judging or comparing yourself against others because this is your journey and no two journeys are alike.
Note that all the methods, even get(), need to be synchronized for the class to be thread-safe, to ensure that no updates are lost, and that all threads see the most recent value of the counter.
It’s no wonder things get lost in the house!
Face, not necessarily the most sad. Alone, not necessarily not happy. Get, can not long. Lost, not necessarily have no longer.
In the realm of love, cancer is extremely easy to get lost, love is everything in the life, the other of course is no longer important.
No matter how well you know Venice, it is easy to get lost.
No matter whatever you do, you can not get lost time back.
He wants very much to get a job in the film industry, and he takes no notice of me when I tell him it's a lost cause.
No matter what you do, you can not get lost time back.
Good afraid, afraid get happiness, happiness of have no how long could still, he lost.
The reason why is when you're in retirement it's impossible to get the money back that you lost because you don't have a salary coming in, so time is no longer on your side.
John wants very much to get a job in the film industry, and he takes no notice of me when I tell him it's a lost cause.
In fact, I feel God told me pretty fair chance to get not too small, but there was no time to grasp, even asking for the freedom lost.
No bother go back to the camp. If you get lost, just hitchhike home.
No bother go back to the camp. If you get lost, just hitchhike home.