Results No operative mortality and morbidity occurred.
Results the patients were successfully through the perioperative period, no operative mortality.
Results: There was no operative mortality and severe complication in all patients. The light node metastasis occurred in 11 (52%) patients.
Results The second operations were successfully completed in 24 cases, cervical anastomotic leakage happened in 1 case and no operative mortality.
Conversions to thoracotomy was needed in 24 cases (8.1%). Postoperative complications were seen in 37 cases (12.4%), and fatal complications in 2 cases. There were no operative mortality.
Results: No any operative complication or mortality occurred in these patients.
Result: No recurrence of tumor has been found with transcranial approach, and the operative mortality was 0.8%.
Results All the 9 patients underwent operative treatment with no mortality. 6 cases were treated by CMPAMNS and 3 cases treated by CMPAMRA.
The diagnostic yield, post-operative complication rate, and mortality rate between VATLB and OLB had no significant difference.
接受OLB 或VATLB 者在诊断率和并发症发生率上无统计学显著差异。
The diagnostic yield, post-operative complication rate, and mortality rate between VATLB and OLB had no significant difference.
接受OLB 或VATLB 者在诊断率和并发症发生率上无统计学显著差异。