There is no easier, healthier way to "beef up" a meal than with an apple, an orange, a big helping of watermelon or cantaloupe, or a sliced tomato.
Catching the chance to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy stood up and finally made his way through a door which was marked "No Admittance".
Currently there is no way for a component controller to process part of an event and then propagate it up to a higher controller for further processing.
But no one has yet come up with a way to halt this military-industrial juggernaut.
And while arguments and fights may be a part and parcel of each and every relationship, there's no better way of making-up than with a hot and steamy romp between the sheets.
When I first tried it, I was living in a city, and there was no way I wanted to have broken glass jammed up my feet, so I decided to mix it up a bit.
There is no way that you or I can make up $9500.00 a year difference.
Many online services kept their data locked up, because there was no way to make money from them.
Consider: If I suddenly decide I want to dial you up, I have no way of knowing whether you're busy, and you have no idea why I'm calling.
There’s no right or wrong way to bring up the subject, as every family is different. But it is important to pay attention to cues, jumping through when a door has opened up on the subject.
Of course, for someone else, a happiness project might suggest getting up later. There's no right or wrong way, only what is right for a particular person.
I stand up, start to do a Moral Benefit Eval, then think, no, no way, do not even think about doing that stupid shit now.
Although updating the status of their tasks will help the trend line to catch up at the next processing point, there is no way to update the history.
What is needed is a way to clean up the junk so that it is no longer a problem.
As there is no better way to mess a machine up that to go rampaging through the registry changing things, a rogue user accessing your registry remotely could prove disastrous.
There is no certain principle in dressing up models, and you can try every way with your own distinct taste to make them pretty and attractive.
There is no certain principle in dressing up models, and you can try every way with your own distinct taste to make them pretty and attractive.
That is because, from your personal point of view, that meet-up happened, and there is no way to make it un-happen, any more than we can change the past without any time travel complications.
Until now, no one had come up with a way to wed thermal and solar cell conversion technologies.
Going to work for a small start-up in no way guarantees that you will be working in an Agile environment.
However, there is no way of following up when that product release is available to the customer.
And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should.
America no longer seems to be a place where you can work your way up, from rags to riches.
When it comes to parties, there's no other way to go but to dress up! And the nearing holidays are the best time to showcase your girly dexterity when it comes to closet management.
A cap on the cost-of-living adjustment, for example, would be a nightmare for pensioners were inflation to flare up, because they would have no way of making up the loss in their purchasing power.
But so far no one has come up with a safe-and gratifying-way to crush the new-fangled widgets.
"There's no way they can catch a BMW, " he thought to himself and sped up even more.
“不自量力的家伙,别想追上我的宝马!” ,他暗自得意,又踩了一脚油门加速。
She wore a bathing suit the first day, but on the second, she decided that no one could see her way up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan.
She wore a bathing suit the first day, but on the second, she decided that no one could see her way up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan.