Using the local nonlinear property of the isolated structure, the computational efficiency of nonlinear time history analysis of the isolated structure is close to that of linear dynamic analysis.
A thin layer joint finite element is introduced for modelling of the interfaces between structure and soil in the analysis of nonlinear dynamic interaction.
The simulation was carried out by MSC/DYTRAN, a three-dimeninal analysis code for analyzing the dynamic, nonlinear behavior of structure.
D assembly FE modeling and dynamic elastoplastic analysis are carried out for the obturator structure of a floating gun breech mechanism by using nonlinear finite element code MSC MARC.
利用大型非线性有限元MARC ,对某自动迫击炮浮动炮闩闭气结构,进行了三维装配体有限元建模和动态弹塑性分析,获得了关键闭气构件的应力、塑性应变和变形的动态响应。
It explores the means and methods of the composite structure for nonlinear dynamic elastoplastic analysis.
It explores the means and methods of the composite structure for nonlinear dynamic elastoplastic analysis.