But just like the iPad, Nook color, and other tablets, you may have trouble reading outdoors thanks to the device's color screen.
但是由于它采用了彩色屏幕,因此和iPad,Nook Color及其他平板电脑一样,在室外阅读可能就会颇为困难。
Two factors are at work here. One is that the Nook Color has a more limited specification than most Android tablets on the market today.
在这里有两方面在起作用:一是在现在市场上,Nook Color比Android有更有限的规格。
Timing aside, the Nook Tablet is also less likely to generate buzz because it is essentially a hardware update to last year's Nook Color, rather than an all-new device.
除了发布时机不佳外,Nook平板电脑不大可能受到热捧还有一个原因:它本质上不是一款全新的设备,而只是对去年推出的Nook Color进行了硬件更新。
The Kindle Fire's $199 (130) price tag undercuts the Nook Color by $50 (30) and is significantly cheaper than more powerful tablets from Apple, Samsung, Motorola and others.
Kindle Fire199美元(130英镑)的定价比Nook Color的价格要低50美元(30英镑),也比其他功能强大的平板电脑品牌苹果、三星和摩托罗拉等的售价要低得多。
But it is clear the company is trying to consolidate sales of e-books onto the Nook, which features a six-inch gray and white reading screen and a color touch screen control panel.
But it is clear the company is trying to consolidate sales of e-books onto the Nook, which features a six-inch gray and white reading screen and a color touch screen control panel.