Sometimes you may want to change this order or perhaps only specify values for columns that have NOT NULL constraints.
有时候您希望更改这种顺序或可能希望只为具有NOT NULL约束的列指定值。
This new validation will enforce NOT null column constraints by rejecting null values, but only in situations where your database would reject a null value.
这种校验会通过拒绝空值,强迫加上非空[not NULL]字段的约束,但是也只有在这种情况下,你的数据库会拒绝空值。
Constraints Supports, primary, foreign, unique, not null constraint.
Some constraints will not change (not null, maximum length in the database), but some will vary with the country.
You can also use the system catalog views to retrieve information about NOT NULL, unique, primary key, foreign key, and table check constraints. For example.
也可以使用系统编目视图来检索关于NOT NULL、惟一、主键、外键和表检查约束的信息。
This mechanism has the benefit of limiting repeated conditionals testing for certain constraints, such as collection sizes or the previously discussed not-null condition.
You can attach unique constraints to columns that allow null values, whereas you can attach primary key constraints only to columns that do not allow null values.
You can attach unique constraints to columns that allow null values, whereas you can attach primary key constraints only to columns that do not allow null values.