You're a good man and a true; I never seen a better man! And you'll not forget what I done good, not any more than you'll forget the bad, I know.
Administration: it's very strict in terms of the honor code, but not any more than is to be expected because we all do have to sign it before going to the school so it's not really an issue.
This behaviour is not any more becoming among our politicians than it is among our voters.
The research concludes that, contrary to popular belief, people with red hair do not bleed any more than other patients.
Opera originated in Italy but was not confined to Italy any more than Italians were.
You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
"Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise," said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body.
This approach might not be any more reliable than measuring the execution times until they converge, but it is simpler to implement.
The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business.Sometimes, business involves default.It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.
The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business. Sometimes, business involves default. It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.
When they get to our age, I dare say they will not think about officers any more than we do.
And since no oil is ever held back from the market, these bets do not affect the price of oil any more than bets on a football match affect the result.
Not surprisingly, they look at sweepstakes far more than any other kind of content.
The length of time a person can wear a heel depends on the individual - a good rule of thumb is not to wear any shoe for more than an hour after your feet start to hurt.
I do not like prophets any more than I like fanatics who have never doubted their mission.
Please do not run any more users than specified in this article.
I have not had any intimate relations with my wife for more than five years. We have discussed it, but to no avail.
Although I have not used any of these tools more than experimentally myself, I would expect whitelist/verification filters to be very nearly 100% effective in blocking spam messages.
虽然我没有用过这些工具,而只是自己做了些实验,但我认为,“白名单”/验证过滤器几乎可以 100% 地将垃圾邮件消息阻挡在外面。
Next, the reader thread needs to ensure (and this is the second check you perform) that it does not wait on the condition variable any more than the specified timeout period.
These individuals do not have to be brilliant managers themselves, any more than a tennis star's coach needs to be a brilliant tennis player.
They should not ump any one team's games for more than four series all year. There are plenty more.
XML, for instance, will not solve data persistence problems any more than bricks will build a house by themselves.
Money is not evil any more so than copper, lead, tin, or iron that you may find in the ground.
I'm not convinced that SOA projects fail any more than other software projects of their size, but I haven't looked at the Numbers.
Yet this survey will argue that French decline is not inevitable, any more than British decline was inevitable in the 1970s.
"The message of commitment to the region is one that we think is important, but it's not intended to be any more than that," he said.
"The message of commitment to the region is one that we think is important, but it's not intended to be any more than that," he said.