Since all of these doctrines were accepted uncritically, new ideas were either not entertained or failed to gain a hearing.
When the night comes, occasions are not rare when the citizens are entertained by the performers in Sichuan Opera.
Not everyone was entertained though - I definitely heard some low heckling moos and there were even a few walk-outs.
An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made up it will not be entertained.
Usually expats are not my sort of people, but this group are a well-travelled and interesting lot, who keep me entertained with stories of murky goings-on across the Caucuses, Africa and the Gulf.
"It was to preserve, not to ruin you," answered Morgiana; "for see here," continued she, opening the pretended Cogia Houssain's garment, and showing the dagger, "what an enemy you had entertained?"
Not very popular in the U.S., but she entertained throughout Europe.
This service recognises that the vast majority of people want to be entertained, but not everybody has the time to choose their own songs.
Children should be entertained and not allowed to become bored.
For this reason on leaving a home where we have been entertained, we should not thank the host for the food, but always thank him for the pleasant time we have had.
By watching this genre of drama, viewers hope not only to be entertained but also to be educated.
For us, it was not just simply a sport but an old friend who entertained us during lots of bored afternoons.
As we have quoted our most favorable prices and any counteroffers will not be entertained.
Why not use some of that time to grow personally or professionally - or to just be entertained.
They don't need efficiency, they come online to kill time, to be entertained, to talk with friends, not to do work.
But when your child is so entertained, so easily, it's hard not to submit.
The idea of having a hobby for your leisure hours to keep you entertained and busy when you're not at work is quite commonplace in Britain.
Every contract of insurance requires an insurable interest to support it, or otherwise it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained.
You and your child want to be actively engaged, not a passive observer waiting to be entertained.
The game but without the current time blasting thick, not be entertained.
Heb. 13:2 Do not forget hospitality, for through this some, without knowing it, have entertained angels.
Late application will not be entertained.
The old man never entertained anyone, so he did not find it necessary to have any other furniture.
An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained.
All athletes must complete registration within time scheduled. Late comers will not be entertained.
All athletes must complete registration within time scheduled. Late comers will not be entertained.