The false alarm about Spanish cucumbers will further scuff Germany’s image in a neighbourhood where it has not been popular lately.
The false alarm about Spanish cucumbers will further scuff Germany's image in a neighbourhood where it has not been popular lately.
The moment that happiness is just a false alarm, what is not love at all.
In particular this means that this file is not malicious but a false alarm.
Policeman: it seems that there is not my job here. This seems that it's been a false alarm.
While the CFAR method only using the local contract information is not symmetric, it has a high false alarm in the strong clutter environment.
Any unit and individual shall provide convenience for fire alarm reporting gratis and shall not obstruct the reporting. It is strictly prohibited to make false reporting of fire.
The logic used in this alarm includes the rig activity, to avoid false alerts for pipe connections and other non-drilling activity, where SPP is not relevant.
Not trying to sound false alarm, but how many people here who want to climb any sizable mtns during winter actually tried an iceaxe self-arrest before?Believe me, it needs practice.
Not trying to sound false alarm, but how many people here who want to climb any sizable mtns during winter actually tried an iceaxe self-arrest before?Believe me, it needs practice.