The final assessment concludes that D6 is currently not of concern to the environment. D6 does not react in the environment the same way as D4 and D5.
Dr James Gemmill, Sepa's radioactive substances manager, said: "The concentration of iodine detected is extremely low and is not of concern for the public or the environment.
SEPA的放射性物质主任詹姆斯 格梅尔说,”检测出来的放射性碘同位素浓度极低,不对公众和环境构成影响.
Virtual Field activities are best used in prototype applications or in smaller scale applications where the amount of data and the size of the application's NSF file is not of concern.
In turn, international tourism became the concern of a number of world governments since it not only provided new employment opportunities but also produced a means of earning foreign exchange.
Although many parents believe that paying an allowance for completing chores benefits their children, a range of experts expressed concern that tying allowance very closely to chores may not be ideal.
What parents do, in other words, is of deep concern to the state, for the obvious reason that caring for children is not only morally urgent but essential for the future of society.
No matter, there is still the underlying idea that we cannot have a life of our own without concern for the ecosystem in which we live, whether in majesty or not.
"You need not concern yourself about that," answered the tailor, "they have not bent one hair of mine."
The declining literacy of our society has been a major concern of educators for a while now, and yet things are not getting better.
"And the charge?" he asked, showing not a hint of concern.
While the pervasive noise about an impending us recession has not helped sentiment, the principal cause of concern has been fear of an oversupply of new shares.
She says she is voting not just on the basis of issues that concern senior citizens, but those that will affect her children and grandchildren as well.
America should become an object of explicit observation (not thoughtless imitation) while China remains a topic of concern and memory.
In our world, we do not have to concern ourselves with the handling of system memory because PHP handles that for us.
The development environment is simply one of these domains, and one that is not traditionally a concern for the "software architect" role.
So the study should not concern most users of automatic faucets in public bathrooms.
This step results in a very busy model with a lot of mappings, which should not be a big concern, because you'll eliminate many of them in the next step.
Internal details of the software component design and implementation are not a concern to the rest of the system, which looks at a specific software component as only a black box.
Even this, however, does not give him enough comfort for some things: he does not have an online banking account because of his concern about hacking risk.
Since both the services and the clients can be created using the same set of tools and run on the same platform, there does not need to be a lot of concern with respect to interoperability.
The World health Organization (WHO) called the outbreak "a public health event of international concern" but did not raise the threat level to a pandemic.
People who concern themselves with the study of history are not storytellers, but rather story interpreters.
How the process state is kept across process component invocations should not be a concern of business process modeling.
Think of your clients, even when it does not concern business.
China's poor protections and enforcement of intellectual property rights is an area of great concern for not just the international business community, but for Chinese innovators as well.
Normally, and especially now, this is not a concern; a little bit of inflation is better than a little bit of deflation.
For our first example, the middle step of creating the XML document is not our concern; we simply want to generate a valid XML document.
For our first example, the middle step of creating the XML document is not our concern; we simply want to generate a valid XML document.