But that's only part of the story for Greece, much less for Portugal, and not at all the story for Spain.
Not only does all this make GreenSun's cells cheaper than conventional ones, because they use so much less silicon; it also makes them better.
Only gradually has it started to dawn on his admirers that, in the past five years, he has not done very much to make Pakistan a less dangerous place.
Old, stale products not only taste bad, they are also much less effective.
So not only does Microsoft (and Yahoo, and everyone else) have much fewer queries than Google, they are also generating much less revenue per query as well.
In an April letter to his wife Elsa, he explained why: "my suffering is much, much less since I began to seek after my dream of being free, but not only for me personally."
It's not only simpler, I've found that it's so much more productive, less hassle, and more stress-free than the official GTD system, or even other time-management systems I've tried.
Horn: Toot hullabaloo, cry to be not done only, or much cry and little wool, with those "say less to be done more" doer photograph is compared, lose a chance more easily in competition.
It's not uncommon for a trader of a longer time frame to achieve positive results by winning only half or even less of his or her trades - it's just that the wins are much bigger than the losses.
The improved formula not only has the more simple form for the derivation of the function, but also much less computer time than the Lagrange method.
I am happy to say that not only is the plastic lid just as sturdy, but it has much less flex than the older cover.
I am happy to say that not only is the plastic lid just as sturdy, but it has much less flex than the older cover.