But the Chinese were not particularly interested in the public option or universal care for all Americans.
In Chinese tradition and history, what is corresponding to "systematic social public surveillance" is not law, but "li" which is particularly possessed by China.
Sadly, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests young Chinese men, particularly in the vulnerable 18-30 demographic, not only encourage this blatant emasculation, they embrace it.
Ceramic art has come into being, not only as a part of Chinese traditional culture, but also containing the elements of fashion of our time, particularly in today's world.
In the primary school, it is a very important stage in our Chinese study. But we did not learn Grammars rules particularly. We learn from the articles that we learn how to make the sentences by words.
English can be used to answer my question, SORRY, I do not particularly understand Chinese, thank you!
This is particularly true of older Chinese men , who were not allowed to bring their wives and families with them to the United States or to intermarry .
特别是华裔老年男子,不允许他们带家眷到美国来,也不允许他们与别的人种 通婚。
It is particularly necessary and important for the children in China now to learn how to exist. However, the attention of most Chinese has not been drawn yet.
It is particularly necessary and important for the children in China now to learn how to exist. However, the attention of most Chinese has not been drawn yet.