To my opinion, process should be stable in the long run if not we calls the alternate potential process.
During the BIOS update process, ensure the Internet connection is stable and do NOT interrupt the Internet connection (for example, avoid a power loss or switching off the Internet).
But voice signal is an instable process, so standard FT that fit to the period signal and stable signal can not be express the voice signal directly.
And, in a specific stage, due to the speed of chemical reaction is not stable, resulting in the gain of the process, the inertia time and the pure lag will occur the corresponding change.
The obtained composite material has the advantages of stable chemical property and good flexibility, elasticity and toughness, is easy to process, and is not easy to decompose;
Also in this process, compromise mechanism alone is not sufficient. The smooth development of educational institutional reform also requires stable and reliable compromise procedures.
Servo feed system affects not only the stability of machine tool, but also the response of machine tool. Efficient and stable servo feed system can improve machine process ability.
Servo feed system affects not only the stability of machine tool, but also the response of machine tool. Efficient and stable servo feed system can improve machine process ability.