This medicine is not to be exposed to daylight.
Store the capacitors in the package not to be exposed to direct sunlight and dust.
Most people in the world are non-smokers and have a right not to be exposed to other people's smoke.
The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situation, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals.
You want to obtain the functionality of existing providers you depend on not as API calls, but as services; but they are not ready to be exposed as services yet.
Applications usually are designed around a set of data, meant to be exposed and mixed with other data sets, to create new applications that perhaps the data provider does not anticipate.
This will allow you to open up bit by bit, and not be exposed to someone who might not do the right thing by you, or who might make you feel "weak" for asking.
The team said the phosphorescent substance did not need to be exposed to direct sunlight.
The unusual circumstances of Chernobyl have exposed that price to human observers, but it will have to be paid all the time, even in places that have not fallen foul of radioactive plumes.
If you do not want a particular method to be exposed, change it to a Private method by adding the Private qualifier before the function.
It is the service provider's full responsibility to aggregate all related web services in the service chain, while such processes should not be exposed to the service requesters.
"Parents need to be aware that this is very dangerous, and they need to take actions to ensure that their children are not exposed," Pechacek said.
China's leading Banks may not be exposed to risks relating to Dubai's financial troubles, but some of the country's entrepreneurs haven't been so fortunate.
In an interview, Miss Gnuse said although the ink did not stop her skin from blistering, it covered up the scars and allowed her to be exposed to the sun.
In a nuclear power plant accident, the general population is not likely to be exposed to doses high enough to cause such effects.
Boys and girls who have not yet started smoking can be exposed to a weak dose of "social germs" and thus learn the necessary skills to resist stronger pressure from their peers.
Those who have not been exposed to computers and other new skills and methods are finding this to be ture.
Her health was such that she wound not dare to be exposed to the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.
Also, it may not be practical to place a label on small tools or on tools that are exposed to oils and grease.
Roadside placed stones, be sure to use the soil will be buried under the stone part, must not be exposed to the bottom line of stone.
We live on an island, and I sometimes think that we're perhaps not as exposed to different cultures or to different ways of doing things as we should be.
If staples are used to attach the mesh they must not be exposed and the mesh must be securely attached to the top rail and the floor plate.
The Chimneys had been already visited by the sea, under circumstances which are known, and it would not do to be exposed again to a similar accident.
The important thing to know is that heat will not make the printmaking inks water fast; only air curing will do that because the ink contains oils that need to be exposed to air in order to harden.
All electrical equipment to be so located that as far as practicable they are not exposed to risk of mechanical injury or damage from water, steam, oil or excessive heat.
Single sided -, intermittent -, chain - or zigzag welding will be allowed, as far as permissible according to the classification society, where structural parts are not exposed to weather or moisture.
He explains: "Children need to know their wholly socks will not be exposed to mockery from their peers."
He explains: "Children need to know their wholly socks will not be exposed to mockery from their peers."