I've even received a note of thanks from a gentleman named Esteban.
Who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval?
Giving a genuine note of thanks will make it obvious that you are taking the opportunity seriously.
This doesn’t have to be with money—a simple word of thanks or a written note making a big deal about an employee’s accomplishment can be very effective.
NOTE: Our previous image #4 (a report on the Pope's death, with a missplaced "It's about time") was removed after being confirmed as fake by one of our readers. Thanks Chris.
Editor's note: Thanks to jude22, in the comments section below, for reminding readers of Stephen Harper's credentials as academic economist.
A simple thanks is an expression of immediate gratitude, and if you start your conversation with it, you'll start everything off on a good note.
Thanks to the effort of note-taking, and to the laborious fine-tuning process that followed, we learned a lot.
Ask for the scale arrangemnt on the fourth position of the C key harmonica. It is better to note the overblow notes. Thanks.
We would like you to advise the breakdown of the bulk, so that we can quote this item as per order sizes. Pls note, thanks.
I keep my appreciation to you in the bottom of my heart for your caring and loving me so much although I had never written even a note or express my thanks to you.
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Note: All photos cannot be displayed out of this site. Please re-upload them to another server or online album with quotation if forwarded. Thanks for your support.