Say it in sand: There's nothing more romantic at the beach than to write your names in hearts in the sand or the words I love you.
At the same time, nothing in Honolulu or Cambridge or Chicago taught Obama what Clinton learned in Arkansas: how to reach out to these people and to know what, and what not, to say to them.
"Try it just once again," he'd say, and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at all, except now and again a nebulous milky substance.----a phenomenon of maladjustment.
Despite what romantically minded locals may say, the name of the massif has nothing to (do)with the pink blush its peaks acquire at sunset.
But the husband said nothing, and the son said nothing, and since it is useless to keep screaming at people who say nothing, Kanchi left, cursing their stupidity.
I could say I was surprised at the criticism I received for traveling from Miami to Chicago so often during the regular season for my custody court cases, but nothing really surprises me anymore.
Once, we looked up from our books at exactly the same moment, as though trapped at a dinner table with nothing to say.
Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the assembly at the gate he has nothing to say.
There's nothing on the exam that you're going to look at and say oh my God, how was I supposed to know that we ought to study that.
One thing both manager were agreed on was that Chelsea are now in the best position to win the title, though Ancelotti was at pains to say: “Nothing has been decided.”
The Cocktail party appears to be a comedy of manners and shows how people at such a party talk all the time but say nothing.
Most guys will say what they think you want to hear at the end of a date or a phone call, rather than nothing at all.
If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all; most of the worries of the world are simply the consequences of ill-spoken words.
But at the party, seeing the faces on these kids, having them come up and give me a hug and say, 'Thank you,' to see how much joy this brought to these children who would otherwise have nothing.
'Really,' he said, turning to the weavers, 'your cloth had our most gracious approval;' and nodding contentedly he looked at the empty loom, for he did not like to say that he saw nothing.
While some of the people truly may not care, it is far more likely that they are not happy but choose to say nothing at all.
I wander if humility is a Chinese style all the way or my nagging mother at home, I always say it is nothing when my friends praise me, which is surprising to them also.
Perhaps, too, there might have been a little ostentation at bottom, though, to say the truth, he had nothing of it in his manner.
Often, older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological clock. therapists who work with middle-aged and older parents say fears about aging are nothing to laugh at.
By the bye, I must mind not to rise on your hearth with only a glass of water then: I must bring an egg at the least, to say nothing of fried ham.
CF: Exactly, at the moment I don't have anything to say and there's nothing to discuss.
I figure4 nothing that is happening to5 me at the time could be as bad as having to say goodbye.
I figure nothing that is happening to me at the time could be as bad as having to say goodbye.
I figure nothing that is happening to me at the time could be as bad as having to say goodbye.