Now, you know these things are true because you prove them every single day.
I have been listening to a visualisation self hypnosis CD every single day for 33 days now.
Having started with a single video of a trip to the zoo in April of last year, YouTube now AIRS 100 million videos-and its users add 70, 000 more-every day.
We now import roughly $1 billion worth of oil every single day, a huge wealth transfer out of the country into, often, the bank accounts of our adversaries.
Now, you may think this is going to be hard…after all, you think thousands of thoughts every single day. How would you monitor them all?
Almost EVERYBODY eats these foods wrong every single day. Well now it's time to learn how to consume them the right way.
As a father, he never asked me for anything but my time. Now, he has all my attention - every single day!
We have been very lucky as over the past six years we've released four top games that are now played by over 100 million people every single day (you may have seen our little celebration here).
We have been very lucky as over the past six years we've released four top games that are now played by over 100 million people every single day (you may have seen our little celebration here).