"I have a boyfriend now, and I'm not interested in online dating," she said by phone last week.
Now, I find she's kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it well!
After it was all done, she said, "What a nice bed I have now, and what a splendid cover!"
"I am making the bed now," the little girl called out again, while she ran busily to and fro.
"It was poisoned, Peter," she told him softly, "and now I am going to be dead."
Through her tears, she smiled. "Yeah, he and I are buddies now," she said.
Now only Eli and I raised objections, Eli because she couldn't stand to see her sister happy; I, because I couldn't stand to see Vanessa happy without me.
Walt and I are ultimately depending on the jet now - more so than normal - and she seems to know it.
I have thousands of emails from her, my garden is full of plants she gave me, and when I look back now I feel so much love and admiration for her.
“I am with his mother now and she is very upset, ” Zhang said. “There are many friends and relatives here, but this is very difficult for them.
Now I can ask her what she has been doing and she can reply.
Looking back, she says, "Over dinner and drinks, I should have stopped touching." Now she warns others to pay careful attention to how your actions are being received.
She recalls, “When I finally got the courage to come out to my dad, he said, ‘Oh, yeah, I knew that.’ ” Now, Alissa says, she and Haggis have a “working relationship.
And once when the angels had all gone out, she thought, "Now I am quite alone, and I could peep in."
I had thought she didn't matter and that I would be better off without her, but now I felt an overwhelming need to be a part of her world again.
"I feel younger now than when I was in my 30s and 40s," she said.
"When I was thinking about moving back, I called, and asked, 'Is it nice down there now?'" she said.
I heard him tell Mr Hindley: and now she has nothing to keep her, and she'll be dead before winter.
I thought about my mother. I thought she must have arrived at the airport by now and be wondering where I was.
"I'd feel fat and guilty anytime I ate," she says now.
"I now hasten to do so, " she wrote. "And I do hope you will find them successful."
The first rhyme she learned was:“Now I know my ABCs, won’t you come and sing with me?”
She laughs and I say "That's more like it, now you don't look so scary."
I did marry that girl, but now she is gross and fat.
What now? I thought, as she rustled through the door and took me aside. "I want to talk to you about Jonathan," she said. .
I didn't believe that she could arouse me again, but I trusted her more now and let her try.
And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left bearing.
And now that she is vanished to her rest, and I have meditated for another hour or two, I shall summon courage to go, also, in spite of aching laziness of head and limbs.
"I was thinking, this place is for other kids, not mine," she recalls now, four years later. "I was terrified and exhausted."
"I was thinking, this place is for other kids, not mine," she recalls now, four years later. "I was terrified and exhausted."