This method will return null if the focus owner is not in the same context as the calling thread.
When using the structure based IO method, RPG will create the initial storage for the input and output buffers, along with storage for the null indicator map.
Or, in the case of a non-applicable method, it becomes a null operation.
If viewForward is null, this variable is set to failure in the execute method.
If the method returns null, it means this is the first time through, so the servlet needs to retrieve the list from the database.
If null is specified for the scope to be searched, the method will search the entire config directory, which can be expensive.
The session parameter can be null, meaning that the method will create a separate anonymous session, do the work and then save the session in one method call.
Next, specify a null because you're not adding a PDF link (created with the AddLink method) target for this image.
下一步,指定一个空值,因为您没有为此图像添加pd f链接(通过AddLink方法创建)目标。
Therefore, you know that an object has been declared finalizable and possibly, but not necessarily, collected, when the get method of the WeakReference or SoftReference class returns null.
The parse method returns null for an empty string input.
While remove behaves like the collection interface version, instead of throwing an exception when called with an empty collection, the new poll method just returns null.
If there are no WatchKeys to return by the end of the timeout, this method returns null.
This rule set contains some of the more questionable checks, including assigning null to a variable, multiple return points from a method, and importing from the sun packages.
Any value lower than 1 would result in this method to return null.
The static Current property uses the Stack.Peek method to return the T instance at the top of the stack if one exists, returning null if the Stack is empty.
静态Current属性使用Stack.Peek方法返回位于堆栈顶端的T实例(如果存在),如果Stack 为空则返回空。
When you don't need to pass data along through send , then just pass null as the argument to this method.
If the namespace does not match this library's, the method simply returns null, and the RELAX ng validator looks elsewhere for the correct library, as the code in Listing 1 shows.
如果名称空间与类型库不匹配,那么该方法将返回null,RELAX NG将到其他地方寻找正确的库,如清单1中的代码所示。
However, the tests such tools come up with tend to be fairly trivial and basic stuff, like whether a method can handle being passed a null argument.
Looking closely at Listing 10 reveals the issue: I initially coded the pop method to return null if the internal container had anything in it.
Otherwise the transform method just returns null to indicate that no modifications are necessary.
This method returns the children of the given tree node, or it returns null if the leaf tree node is encountered.
We could add validation code to the register method to determine whether the first-name field is blank or null.
The fifth parameter of null specifies that the node this method is operating on has inherited the necessary namespaces.
If the HTTP method is GET (currently not used by JSF forms), the form data has already been appended to the URL and send is called with a null parameter.
如果HTTP方法是GET(当前未被JSF表单使用),那么表单数据应该已经追加到此url,并会用null参数调用send 。
Furthermore, if the service isn't available (there isn't a database, or the database has been temporarily stopped), then this method returns null to indicate that no such service is available.
If this method returns void, no change is needed, but if it returns DataObject, change the last line from return null; to return input;.
Since we implement no metadata service in this example, the method returns an array with length 0 (returning null would have indicated an error).
The outer method calls inner with an argument of null, which will result in inner doing nothing.
The only modification required is the quote method: Change the value return null; to return 250.50;.
只需修改quote方法:将值returnnull;更改为return 250.50;。
The only modification required is the quote method: Change the value return null; to return 250.50;.
只需修改quote方法:将值returnnull;更改为return 250.50;。