Software development consists of a number of phases.
At a coexistence line, then the number of phases equals to two.
There are lots of ways to establish phases, and you can create any number of phases to meet your organization's needs.
One program in which the data are input through keyboard, is applicable to only a few experimental data, crystal lattices known or small number of phases.
Then if I change to the triple point, where the number of phases is three, then the number of degrees of freedom 2 is one minus three is minus two, two plus two is zero.
The time spent in GC pauses for the mark and sweep phases of a garbage collection are based on the number of live objects on the heap.
The original plans usually included a number of design phases where we would outline the solution for the client.
The Elaboration and Construction phases have a number of similarities that lead to similar approaches to measurement.
To each of these phases there are a number of steps, which will be detailed in relation to the standards used to execute each step.
And I derived an expression for the ratio of the number of moles in the gas and liquid phases.
Some sponsoring bodies are having a greater number of schools, and they would need to, taking into account their own circumstances, set up IMCs for their schools by phases.
The researchers also looked at the phases of the moon because it's widely believed that a full moon can increase the number of accidents and emergency room visits.
The conversion speed is improved through the reduction of the number of the clock phases required for one conversion and the time allocated for one clock phase.
It has been indicated that the strengthening mechanism of the weld metal is the dislocation, a number of second island phases and fine grain size.
A collection of generally sequential project phases whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project.
Any of the minimum number of substances required to specify completely the composition of all phases of a chemical system.
It allows selecting number of days to show and selecting date to show moon phases from.
Mean CT attenuation values between normal pancreas and tumor and the number of metastasis of liver during the different phases were compared.
When the excitation current increases to 20A, the number of pores sharply decreases, the grains are fine and uniform, and the particle reinforced phases are uniformly distributed in the weld.
We observe that phases with a larger number of relatively rigid tetrahedra per volume tend to compress at a slower rate of at lower pressures, which is reflected in a higher value of K.
We observe that phases with a larger number of relatively rigid tetrahedra per volume tend to compress at a slower rate of at lower pressures, which is reflected in a higher value of K.