This output value is the number of transactions processed in the specified period of time.
Stevenson and Wolfers provide a number of possible reasons why this occurred, including non-comparable data over time, and increasing income inequality in the US during this period.
Specifically, we collected information on the number of HTTP requests in a given period of time and the number of active HTTP threads.
Enable Lockout: Locks the user's account for a specified period of time if a certain number of logins fail within a certain time period (all values can be customized).
This ability to focus on a specific time range enables you to see, for example, only the results from the period during which the maximum number of virtual users were making Web service calls.
The demo takes up to three arguments: run time in seconds, number of production lines, and period between jars arriving in milliseconds.
The utility can also be invoked a specified number of times within a specified period of time, to help you understand changes over time.
This applies mainly to vacation and resort homes, where a number of people purchase and own the right use the home exclusively for a specified period of time, usually measured in weeks and months.
Birding organizations may organize competitions such as spotting the most number of birds in a specific time period or location.
A typical arrangement is to keep individual logs for a short period of time (for example, four weeks) and number them sequentially.
CUPS allows for the use of printer quotas, which limit the number of printed pages per user per time period.
Regardless of whether it's a single system or small number of systems, the result is catastrophic, and your application will probably be unavailable for a period of time.
Now what we do is to record the number of those action potentials in some period of time, and plot them on the graph below.
Usually it is something that is done a limited number of times within a limited period of time, with unique characteristics every time it is pursued.
First is the number of users that you expect will access the server within a given time period; this is the load you are putting on the portal.
Bandwidth is a measure of the number of packets that can be transmitted over a network during a specific period of time.
As a result of this risky behavior, the number of new infections has skyrocketed over a short period of time.
One of the most common requirements by business leaders in the healthcare industry is the ability to keep track of the number of transactions over a period of time.
The number of inbound links suddenly increases by orders of magnitude in a short period of time
Number of transactions within a recent time period
Because the number of tombstones will grow over time, it may be prudent to create a process to clean up this store after a period of time in order to save space.
We also show the total number of submitted ECRs over a given time period, as shown in Figure 13.
Assuming a large number of installations (according to Eucalyptus there are more than 25,000 customers), we are doubtful that this attack will be mended on each server within a short period of time.
The goal of GDP is to summarize in a single number the dollar value of economic activity in a given period of time.
Notice: in any period, the number of processes must not smaller than the number of requests in this period, and one process can only responds one request at same time.
This is a very general and somewhat vague expression that means a greater number of hosts have been found to be ill than one would expect to find during a period of time within a certain population.
The probability that healthy people will develop a disease during a specified period of time (that is, the number of new cases of a disease in a population over a period of time).
Adding course sites slowly with a goal of reaching the estimated number of course sites over a period of time is usually a good approach.
Adding course sites slowly with a goal of reaching the estimated number of course sites over a period of time is usually a good approach.