Software frequently fails to present numerical information in a graphical way. Even rarer is the capability of software to enable graphical input.
The numbers represent about the same number of people, but how you answered explains how you understand numerical information, according to a psychology professor at Kansas State University.
"There's no numerical function that could give you this type of information."
Each group of postcards presented the same information about cancer mortality rates in varying numerical formats.
Market information may be hard to display, but at least the data are numerical.
Looking through a numerical table takes a lot of mental effort, but information presented visually can be grasped in a few seconds.
You can use the tag to accept potential values from the user and assign the numerical category ID you need to use when submitting the information when making a blog post.
The original ASCII 7-bit character set mapped the letters, and monetary, numerical, and control-code information to decimal, octal, and hexadecimal numbers.
原来的ASCII 7位字符集将字母、货币、数字和控制码信息映射为十进制、八进制和十六进制数字。
When you store or get information from a list of memcached servers, the memcached client derives a numerical value from the key using a consistent hashing algorithm.
Tell me about a time when you had to analyze or interpret numerical or financial information. How did you do that?
Numerical Control (nc) is any machining process in which the operations are executed automatically in sequences as specified by the program that contains the information for the tool movements.
Slide notes are a good location for adding extra information about a slide, such as numerical details, supporting materials, or footnote text.
Numerical experiments proved that the proposed algorithm is feasible for copyright protection of digital audio and video products, and encrypted transmission of important military information.
The approach for proper interpretation of capnographic information is initially to check if a normal capnographic curve is present and then to note the numerical value of end-tidal carbon dioxide.
Computer Science Numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer.
The process that makes the manufacturing information digitalization and drives manufacturing system with digital information to complete manufacturing process is called numerical manufacture.
Using field test information and numerical simulation result, this paper evaluates the effectiveness and the characteristics of polymer flooding.
Precipitation is not only a kind of essential data to a hydrological or atmospheric numerical model, but also a sort of key information for flood monitoring and warning.
Methods ct imagine processing, contour lines of cross-sections information processing, numerical finite element analyses.
As a new numerical method, element free Galerkin method (EFGM) has more advantage in the solution to consolidation equation as it only needs the information of nodes rather than element.
The main topics are information inquiries, models base, data base and data renew, interface models, pre and post process of numerical simulation data and charting of special maps.
The interpretation and application of numerical forecast products provide indicative information on cold current forecast.
A new method that digital watermarking information was embedded in numerical attributes Least Significant Bit (LSB) was put forward in view of the existing watermark algorithms insufficiency.
The synoptic charts embrace much meteorological information, which can be represented in two forms: numerical values and curves.
The synoptic charts embrace much meteorological information, which can be represented in two forms: numerical values and curves.