You've been seeing the embed code of a Flash object for years, but as Listing 1 shows, lengthy exposure doesn't make it any less complex.
While the author doesn't know of a recent write-up on their use, read this 2002 comparison of object and embed by Damian Cugley, that also mentions the other three alternatives.
If the XFDL file doesn't open in Mozilla Firefox, then make sure that when you embed the XFDL, you define the right object.
Although this action has only a single object, it is valid to embed multiple objects in an Activity Streams entry-for example, to modify Listing 3 to represent the action Ben posted two blog entries.
虽然这个动作只有一个对象,但是可以在ActivityStreams项中嵌入多个对象—例如,修改清单3以表示动作Benpostedtwoblog entries。
To run the Flex application in a browser, all you need to do is embed an object tag to an HTML page.
WSRR also lets you create user code and embed it into the WSRR profile as a plug-in, so that it is executed during processing for every object loaded or modified in WSRR.
Listing 2 shows the proposal, which was much more elegant and finger-friendly than the verbose object-embed markup needed for plug-ins.
Tags like img and a can easily be sanitized, but more powerful tags like object and embed need to be removed completely.
After you have finished constructing the object tag with the correct parameter values, you can embed it inside the Flex application placeholder div tag by calling.
用正确的参数值构造好object标记后,就可以通过以下调用将它嵌入到Flex应用程序占位符d iv标记中。
Although web standards are created to avoid compatibility issues, the embed element is more unambiguous than the W3C-approved object element.
Why object is better than embed?
You can also use it to caption audio, video, iframe, object, and embed elements.
The id attribute of the object tag and the name attribute of the embed tag must be unique throughout a mashup page.
Unlike the object element, embed doesn't support alternative content when the embed element is supported, but the Flash plugin is not installed.
Define the OBJECT and EMBED tags inside the div tag as shown in lines 17 though 34 of the code shown in listing 2.
"If we are to embed some level of intelligence in every object that would change electronics and it would change society," Palacios says.
"If we are to embed some level of intelligence in every object that would change electronics and it would change society," Palacios says.