The coastguard bases rescue units along the ocean shores.
Glasgow is on the same latitude as Moscow but because it is close to the warm Atlantic Ocean shores and lies in the path of a prevailing westerly wind, it has a significantly more moderate climate.
Between the shores of Me and Thee there is the loud ocean, my own surging self, which I long to cross.
And with that the Roenic's mighty wings lifted him off of the shores of Teldrassil and took him beyond the darkness of the ocean, towards Kalimdor.
And though heavy-grounded ships await the tide upon your shores, yet, even like an ocean, you cannot hasten your tides.
While a few pieces from the plane washed up on shores around the Indian Ocean in the two and a half years since it disappeared, the crash site of the Boeing 777 has not been located.
The imposing footprint of humanity has advanced from our shores and into the high seas, the ocean waters beyond national jurisdiction.
How much should America pay to help the victims of the earthquake and tidal waves that killed thousands of people on the shores of the Indian Ocean?
How much should America pay to help the victims of the earthquake and tidal waves that killed thousands of people on the shores of the Indian Ocean?