A large African bird of prey (Sagittarius serpentarius) with long legs and a crest of quills at the back of the head.
一种大型的非洲食肉鸟(蛇鹫) ,腿长,脑后长有长羽集起的羽冠。
The Native Americans embroidered skins and bark with dyed porcupine quills; later the beads they acquired in trade took the place of quills.
Scientists have even found bumps on the arm bones of dinosaurs, where the quills had attached.
Quills were the chief writing implement from the 6th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19th century.
The pectinate quills of the porcupine are barbed.
His school and Quidditch robes, cauldron, parchment, quills, and most of his textbooks were piled in a corner, to be left behind.
Next day the blood-quills had sprouted the tips of feathers.
Ancient Europeans made quills out of goose feathers.
His school and Quidditch robes, cauldron, parchment, quills, and most of his textbooks were piled in a corner, to be left behind. He wondered what his aunt and uncle would do with them;
My back is covered with hard, pointy quills and my belly is soft and furry. · I'm normally shades of tan, brown and black.
My back is covered with hard, pointy quills and my belly is soft and furry. · I'm normally shades of tan, brown and black.