It is estimated for the month of July 2009, arrivals will decline by up to 13 per cent on last year - as a result of World Youth Day (WYD) event arrivals which inflated the July 2008 arrivals Numbers.
"Change Our World" is more than the theme of this year's International Youth Day; it is an injunction that should inspire young people at all times.
The comments came on the Pope's third day of public appearances in Australia, where he is attending World Youth day.
The Pope is set to arrive in Madrid on August 18 for the final four days of the six-day World Youth Day event.
"We have come to worship him" (Mt 2:2) : this is the theme of the next World Youth Day.
Change Our World "is more than the theme of this year's International Youth Day; it is an injunction that should inspire young people at all times."
The public welfare activities will be hold on the next Sunday after the car free day of the world, the main participants is the youth in college.
World health Day, you would like to save the youth, to protect sleep, preservation happy, preservation nutrition, care of our health!
World health Day, you would like to save the youth, to protect sleep, preservation happy, preservation nutrition, care of our health!