All four of them are off-scale low.
The technician said, "We've had some hydraulic 'ducers go off-scale low."
Newton was a finicky, neurotic, off-scale brilliant character who seemed able to hold a problem in his mind, neither sleeping nor eating, "thinking on it continually," he said, until he'd solved it.
In the next article, I refocus on the game itself, talk about scale as an infrastructure issue, cover the final two steps, and discuss whether or not to build or buy, using off-the-shelf components.
The projection starts off at Planck scale lengths at the Universe’s event horizon, but its projection becomes blurry in our local space-time.
Using the same scale on each graph was useless as many graphs were either too small or too big, and the values were either all crunched down in one corner, or plotted off the page.
The deliberate mismarking of assets is difficult to pull off on a large scale, he says, not least because accounting and risk-management systems sit on the same database.
It is clear that more countries need to counter the fall-off in private spending with large-scale and effective stimulus programmes.
The pounds were falling off so fast that I actually got excited to step on the scale each morning to see how much more I'd lost.
Based on past experience, it will be several days before the scale of the disaster fully emerges, as communication with the most damaged areas is still cut off.
Amyris started off using large-scale genetic engineering, also known as synthetic biology, to create bugs that make a malaria drug.
Knowing that the cause is a malicious attack does take Twitter off the hook to some degree –it may have been assumed that the site was simply failing to scale properly, as had happened in the past.
当人们得知twitter宕机的原因是缘于恶意袭击,Twitter才得以从困境中缓过气来 -人们原本推测Twitter宕机的原因是twitter不能承受如此规模的服务器负担,而这种情况在以前就发生过的。
Oracle Coherence 3.5 now provides tera-scale support to in-memory data grids through configurable off-heap storage.
OracleCoherence 3.5现在通过外堆存储提供了对内存数据网格万亿级的支持。
KDE will once again be represented at SCALE 6x (February 8-10, 2008) showing off the newly released KDE 4.0.
今年KDE会再次亮相scale6x大会,并会展示新发布的KDE 4.0版本。
He has been ranked in the 99.99th percentile of the population and has been ranked off the scale as the Stanford-Binet test cannot measure higher than 160.
The Japanese beef grading system measures overall quality on a scale of one to five, and the level of marbling on a scale of one to 12 (anything over six is off the charts for U.S. standards).
日本的牛肉等级划分制度将整体质量划分为1 -5五个档次,而脂肪纹路又划分为1- 12十二个等级(按照美国标准任何超过等级六的食材都是超标的)。
The sections would have provided a much better understanding of the forms and scale of the Spaces compared to the elevations that just come off as confusing and hard to read.
The scale enlargement of off-shore RMB day by day, its business development and market foundation will produce sound influence on the internationalization of RMB.
But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead - not just those at the top of the income scale.
In general, the bank at the end of the year will appear credit tight situation, this year and last year's credit scale has very strict control, by the end of the "off -" the situation is more serious.
By recognition of work condition, off-line identification and on-line optimization of parameters, hybrid model can be used to simulate dynamics of complex process correctly in a large scale.
The current value can be read off at the right of the scale.
The current value can be read off at the right of the scale.