I'll take it at your offered price.
Though the offered price is not as favorable as Nestle's, I always got fully paid on time.
We offered them a good price but they wouldn't sell.
Keep in mind the price offered by the seller at the beginning is usually at least 40% over the generally reasonable price.
Where both negotiators had lived abroad, 70% struck a deal in which the seller was offered a management job in return for a lower asking price.
The price we offered has hit bottom and will soon pick up.
Martinez also said that in April, Jackson had offered to pay another doctor any price to obtain Propofol.
The price offered for the tire is the best price as defined by the customer contract and the three base contracts.
The app allows users to compare the shop price of an item with the online price offered by Amazon and other retailers.
Moreover, although Dr Maathai’s father worked for a benign white landowner, he was obliged to sell to his employer almost all the crops he grew on his allotted patch at whatever price was offered.
To hedge against future price drops, travelers have a growing number of options now offered by travel Web sites seeking to grab market share from competitors.
Subsidies, typically offered with service contracts from wireless providers, can sharply reduce the price of a device.
A lesson here is offered by the recent experience of wheat prices, caused by a price hysteria in March.
In Intel's case, such a "strategic inflection point" arose because its memory-chip business came under heavy assault from new Japanese rivals willing to undercut any price Intel offered.
These are offered at various price points that an employee can select based on their preferences.
The property will be offered at auction very shortly, so you might buy it for a whole lot less than the advertised price.
This triggered a price war that led to sharp declines in the price of most generics and to similar programs being offered by other retail giants.
Whenthe price is such that the quantity supplied of a good or service exceeds the quantity demanded, some sellersare unable to sell because fewer units are purchased than are offered.
And, if you've been offered a job that pays less than you like, don't be afraid to name your realistic asking price.
Nevertheless, where both negotiators had lived abroad 70% struck a deal in which the seller was offered a management job at the petrol station in return for a lower asking price.
Moreover, although Dr Maathai's father worked for a benign white landowner, he was obliged to sell to his employer almost all the crops he grew on his allotted patch at whatever price was offered.
The price we offered is more favorable than the quotations you can get from our competitors, I"m afraid.
Someone with advanced cancer, say, who is offered expensive, aggressive new chemotherapy that might extend life at the price of lowering its quality often opts instead for palliative care.
Microsoft says it offered a full and fair price.
The products may arrive damaged, or you may find it offered later at a much better price. Something will make you realize you should not have acted so hastily.
In response, Softbank offered a series of cut-price tariff packages, including the offer of free calls to other Softbank subscribers.
The price offered by bidders will be the most important factor in deciding whether the company, which on Monday formally rejected BHP's $130-a-share hostile bid, should sell itself, he said.
The price offered by bidders will be the most important factor in deciding whether the company, which on Monday formally rejected BHP's $130-a-share hostile bid, should sell itself, he said.