Her uncle, Lingaraj Majhi, says 12 people have died from TB in the village in the last year, including a nine-year-old girl and two middle-aged women.
The results show that most of middle-aged and old women participate in various keeping-fit activity in various degree, most of them choose the park near their houses.
The topic is a study in health education and health promotion areas, researching for the Taiyuan City 45 ~ 59-years old middle-aged women.
本课题属健康教育与健康促进研究范畴,研究对象为太原市城区45 -59岁中年妇女。
The bra made from the knitted gray fabric is soft, comfortable and elastic, and has a lower constraint to the body, which is suitable for young girls and the middle and old aged women.
Through interviews and questionnaires, the paper makes a investigation on the state of the middle-aged and old women keeping-fit activity around Beiling Park in Shenyang.
The main products are jeans series, women's series, men and women of leisure and family of middle-aged and old clothing.
The main products are jeans series, women's series, men and women of leisure and family of middle-aged and old clothing.