It was an online transaction processing (OLTP) application with 10,000 users accessing the system in order to dispatch technical problems.
Online transaction processing (OLTP) is not the same thing as online analytical processing (OLAP), and data access patterns for each technique are quite different.
Note: This article chiefly addresses online transaction processing [OLTP] access.
请注意:本文主要介绍在线事务处理 [OLTP]访问。
The results are very relevant to any DBA that must maintain and tune an online transaction processing (OLTP) system.
In this section, you will learn the performance results (as measured with DB2 9) when using an internal online transaction processing (OLTP) workload.
在这一节中,您将了解到使用内部在线事务处理(OLTP)工作负载时的性能结果(用DB 29进行评测)。
Traditionally, a BI data warehouse receives data from source systems (usually the operational online transaction processing [OLTP] systems) but never provides data back to them.
These index scans also help online transaction processing (OLTP) databases and are described in much more detail in the main article.
This is an online transaction processing (OLTP) system with about 500 BM of data.
这是一个在线事务处理(online transaction processing,OLTP)系统,有500MB数据。
Message-based transaction processing and XML-based online transaction processing (OLTP), especially in the financial industry.
Online transaction Processing (OLTP), consisting of many transactions of varying complexity, mostly small.
联机事务处理(Online Transaction Processing, OLTP),包含许多不同复杂性的小型事务。
Games are not like decision support system (DSS) or Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems at all.
In an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment, start with a value of 30 seconds.
For example, an Oracle database, either Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) or a data Warehouse application, can benefit when using large pages.
TXSeries for Multiplatforms is a distributed CICS (Customer Information Control System) Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) environment for mixed language applications.
TXSeriesfor Multiplatforms是一个用于混合语言应用程序的分布式CICS(客户信息控制系统)在线事务处理 (OLTP)环境。
For example, if your application is oriented toward online transaction processing (OLTP), slow performance will quickly result in users wanting to abandon the system.
Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems are used by applications to record transactional information in real time.
Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems are used by applications to record transactional information in real time.